The Chapter provided funds to enable Lydia Meakins to complete her conservation projects.
In her own words: My name is Lydia Meakins, and I am a part of Scouting America (Formerly Boy Scouts of America) in Troop 130, Golden. I am currently working towards my Eagle Scout Rank and the Distinguished Conservation and Service Award (DCSA). DSCA’s goal is to encourage scouts to pursue two service projects that support and improve the local environment.
As of November 16th, I will have both of my projects completed. Gratefully, my community has continuously supported me in my projects including major donations from West Denver Trout Unlimited and Home Depot.
The first of my conservation projects is at Harriman Lake Park. This park has struggled with keeping fishing lines out of the water and surrounding vegetation. This issue recently became urgent due to animals being injured by fishing lines and hooks. In hopes of reducing injuries and litter, I was asked to install two monofilament disposal units.
My second conservation project is at Foothills Golf Course. This golf course has a flourishing native habitat of plants, insects, and wildlife but most relevant, birds. In doing some research I have found that bird populations are declining nationally. In hopes of supporting the local bird population I am replacing 11 of the 33, 20-year-old bird houses at Foothills Golf Course.