WDTU River Watch

WDTU participates in the Colorado River Watch water quality monitoring program.  Led by WDTU member Dennis Wiles, our chapter collects samples at several “stations” along Clear Creek in the canyon area.  Samples are collected monthly from April through October. Volunteers are always welcome. Clear Creek water sampling is a great educational opportunity, and Dennis welcomes youth participation.  Contact Dennis with questions or to volunteer.
Colorado River Watch (CRW) is a cooperative program between the River Science and the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW). CRW organizes periodic water and invertebrate sampling from a large number of the Colorado’s streams and rivers. A multitude of organizations participate, including schools, various Trout Unlimited chapters, and other nonprofit organizations. Additional information is available at Wikipedia.

Samples are routinely analyzed by our chapter for hardness, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature. Additional samples are collected to determine dissolved and total metals, which include Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Pb, Se and Zn. The metals analysis is performed at the CPW laboratory in Fort Collins, CO. Twice a year we collect nutrient samples that are analyzed in Fort Collins for ammonia, chloride, sulfate, total suspended solids, total phosphorous, nitrate and nitrite. We collect an annual macroinvertebrate sample which is sent to the state who then sends it to an outside lab for identification. The data collected are input into a database, which CPW makes available online.